$s['selectLanguage']='Please select your language';
$s['uupDumpDesc']='UUP dump lets you download Unified Update Platform files, like Windows Insider updates, directly from Windows Update.';
$s['uupDumpDescSub']='%s on UUP dump. UUP dump lets you download Unified Update Platform files, like Windows Insider updates, directly from Windows Update.';//Select language for Windows 11 Insider Preview 25188.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64 on UUP dump. UUP dump lets you download Unified Update Platform files, like Windows Insider updates, directly from Windows Update.
$s['newBuildNextText']='Click the <i>Next</i> button to start searching with the specified options.';
$s['newBuildUsing']='Using this page';
$s['newBuildUsingText']='This page is meant to be used by advanced users, who would like to add a build not found on the website. In case you want to use one of the most commonly used parameters, please use one of the <i>Quick options</i> found on the home page.';
$s['optionsNotice']='Options notice';
$s['optionsNoticeText']='Options found here configure how the underlying Windows Update client reports itself to the Microsoft servers. It is crucial to set these properly, otherwise you will receive an error.';
$s['browseKnown']='Browse known builds';
$s['chooseBuild']='Choose build';
$s['weFoundBuilds']='<b>%d</b> builds were found for your query.';//<b>692</b> builds were found for your query.
$s['selectLangFor']='Select language for %s';//Select language for Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64
$s['chooseLang']='Choose language';
$s['chooseLangDesc']='Choose your desired language';
$s['allLangs']='All languages';
$s['allFiles']='All files';
$s['wubOnly']='WindowsUpdateBox only';
$s['updateOnly']='Update only';
$s['selectLangInfoText1']='Click the <i>Next</i> button to select the desired edition.';
$s['selectLangInfoText2']='WindowsUpdateBox.exe and Cumulative updates can be found in the <i>All languages</i> language.';
$s['allLangsWarn']='The <i>All languages</i> option does not support edition selection.';
$s['clickNextToOpenFindFiles']='Click the <i>Next</i> button to open the page, which allows finding files.';
$s['noLangsAvailable']='There are no languages available for this build.<br>This build cannot be converted to an ISO image.<br>See the FAQ for details.';
$s['browseFiles']='Browse files';
$s['browseFilesDesc']='Quickly browse files in selected build';
$s['searchFiles']='Search files';
$s['toSearchForCUUseQuery']='To search for Cumulative Updates use the <i>%s</i> search query.';//To search for Cumulative Updates use the <i>Windows10 KB</i> search query.
$s['updateNotProcessed']='UUP dump hasn\'t processed this update\'s metadata yet - this happens automatically once every %d minutes. You can only browse the update\'s file list until then.';//UUP dump hasn't processed this update's metadata yet - this happens automatically once every 30 minutes. You can only browse the update's file list until then.
$s['updateIsBlocked']='This update has known issues preventing the creation of a working ISO. Because of this, you can only manually browse its files.';
$s['selectEditionFor']='Select edition for %s';//Select edition for Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64, English (United States)
$s['chooseEdition']='Choose edition';
$s['chooseEditionDesc']='Choose your desired edition';
$s['allEditions']='All editions';
$s['selectEditionInfoText']='Click the <i>Next</i> button to open the summary page of your selection.';
$s['additionalEditionsInfo']='If you need <b>additional editions</b> from the table on the right, select their <b>Required edition</b> above and proceed by clicking <i>Next</i>.<br>On the summary page select the <b>Create additional editions</b> option.';
$s['noAdditionalEditions']='No additional editions are available for your selected editions.';
$s['learnMore']='Learn more';
$s['learnMoreAdditionalEditions1']='This option enables automatic creation of selected additional editions.';
$s['learnMoreAdditionalEditions2']='The list of additional editions is determined by the selected base editions. Below you can check the list of base editions which are needed to create the desired additional editions:';
$s['learnMoreUpdates1']='Updates will be integrated to the converted image only when the conversion script is run on the following systems:';
$s['learnMoreUpdates2']='If you run the conversion script on any other system, the updates will not be integrated to the resulting image.';
$s['systemWithAdk']='%s with Windows 10 ADK installed';//Windows 7 with Windows 10 ADK installed
$s['additionalUpdates']='Additional updates';
$s['additionalUpdatesDesc']='This UUP set contains additional updates which will be integrated during the conversion process, significantly increasing the creation time.';
$s['browseUpdatesList']='Browse the list of updates';
$s['selectDownloadOptions']='Select your download options';
$s['selectDownloadOptionsSub']='Configure how you would like to download your selection';
$s['win1122h2OrLaterv2']='Windows is required to create the ISO image';
$s['requiresWindows102004v2']='You\'ll need to use a modern version of Windows such as Windows 10, version 2004 or Windows 11 to create an ISO image of this build. Other platforms won\'t work.';
$s['listOfFilesFor']='List of files for %s';//List of files for Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64
$s['totalSizeOfFiles']='Total file size: %s';//Total size of files: 2.86 GiB
$s['fileRenamingScript']='File renaming script';
$s['fileRenamingScriptDesc1']='The script found below can be used to quickly rename downloaded files.';
$s['fileRenamingScriptDesc2']='Simply copy the contents of the form below to a new file with <code>cmd</code> extension, put it in folder with downloaded files and run.';
$s['sha1File']='SHA-1 checksums file';
$s['sha1FileDesc']='You can use this file to quickly verify that files were downloaded correctly.';
$s['aria2NoticeTitle']='Download using aria2 options notice';
$s['aria2NoticeText1']='Download using aria2 options create an archive which needs to be downloaded. The downloaded archive contains all needed files to achieve the selected task.';
$s['aria2NoticeText2']='To start the download process use a script for your platform:';
$s['aria2NoticeText3']='Aria2 is an open source project. You can find it here: %s.';//Aria2 is an open source project. You can find it here: https://aria2.github.io/.
$s['aria2NoticeText4']='The UUP Conversion script (Windows version) has been created by %s.';//UUP Conversion script (Windows version) has been created by abbodi1406.
$s['aria2NoticeText5']='The UUP Conversion script (Linux version, macOS version) is open source. You can find it here: %s.';//UUP Conversion script (Linux version, macOS version) is open source. You can find it here: https://github.com/uup-dump/converter.
$s['findFilesIn']='Find files in %s';//Find files in Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64
$s['fileRenamingScriptDescFindFiles']='If you want to quickly rename files downloaded from this page, you can generate a renaming script, which will automatically do this for you.';
$s['arm64Warning2023']='<b>This is an <a href="https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/477f51df-2e3b-f68f-31b0-06f5e4f8ebb5">ARM64</a> build.</b> UUP dump authors don\'t have a single device compatible with it and therefore <b>will provide absolutely no support</b>.';
$s['error_UNKNOWN_COMBINATION']='The flight and ring combination is not correct. Skip ahead is only supported for Insider Fast ring.';
$s['error_ILLEGAL_BUILD']='Specified build number is less than %d or larger than %d.';//Specified build number is less than 9841 or larger than 2147483646.
$s['error_ILLEGAL_MINOR']='Specified build minor is incorrect.';
$s['error_NO_UPDATE_FOUND']='The server returned no updates.';
$s['error_XML_PARSE_ERROR']='Response XML parsing failed. There may be a problem with Microsoft servers. Try again later.';
$s['error_EMPTY_FILELIST']='The server has returned an empty file list.';
$s['error_NO_FILES']='There are no files available for your selection.';
$s['error_NOT_FOUND']='Specified selection cannot be found.';
$s['error_MISSING_FILES']='The selected UUP set has missing files.';
$s['error_NO_METADATA_ESD']='There are no metadata ESD files available for your selection.';
$s['error_UNSUPPORTED_LANG']='Specified language is not supported.';
$s['error_UNSPECIFIED_LANG']='Language was not specified.';
$s['error_UNSUPPORTED_EDITION']='Specified edition is not supported.';
$s['error_UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION']='The language and edition combination is not correct.';
$s['error_NOT_CUMULATIVE_UPDATE']='Selected update does not contain a Cumulative Update.';
$s['error_UPDATE_INFORMATION_NOT_EXISTS']='Information about the specified update doesn\'t exist in the database.';
$s['error_KEY_NOT_EXISTS']='Specified key does not exist in update information.';
$s['error_UNSPECIFIED_UPDATE']='Update ID was not specified.';
$s['error_INCORRECT_ID']='Specified Update ID is incorrect. Please make sure that the specified Update ID is correct.';
$s['error_RATE_LIMITED']='You are being rate limited. Please try again in a few seconds.';
$s['error_UNSPECIFIED_VE']='You have not selected any additional editions. If do not wish to create additional editions, please use the (Download using aria2 and convert) option.';
$s['error_VE_UNAVAILABLE']='Additional editions are not supported for this selection.';
$s['error_INVALID_PAGE']='Specified page is invalid';