diff --git a/langs/en-us.php b/langs/en-us.php index b0b7e79..ddc8267 100644 --- a/langs/en-us.php +++ b/langs/en-us.php @@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ $s['copyrightNew'] = '© %d UUP dump authors and contributors.'; $s['selectLanguage'] = 'Please select your language'; $s['uupDumpDesc'] = 'UUP dump lets you download Unified Update Platform files, like Windows Insider updates, directly from Windows Update.'; $s['uupDumpDescSub'] = '%s on UUP dump. UUP dump lets you download Unified Update Platform files, like Windows Insider updates, directly from Windows Update.'; //Select language for Windows 11 Insider Preview 25188.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64 on UUP dump. UUP dump lets you download Unified Update Platform files, like Windows Insider updates, directly from Windows Update. +$s['selectTheme'] = 'Select theme'; +$s['themeAuto'] = 'Automatic'; +$s['themeLight'] = 'Light'; +$s['themeDark'] = 'Dark'; +$s['themeLegacy'] = 'Legacy'; //index.php $s['slogan'] = 'Download UUP files from Windows Update servers with ease.';