Ideal for enthusiasts.'; $s['latestBetaRelease'] = 'Latest Beta Channel build'; $s['latestBetaReleaseSub'] = 'Reliable builds with most upcoming features available.
Ideal for early adopters.'; $s['latestRPRelease'] = 'Latest Release Preview build'; $s['latestRPReleaseSub'] = 'Reliable builds for previewing the next release.
Ideal for trying out upcoming releases.'; $s['advOptions'] = 'Advanced options'; $s['browseBuilds'] = 'Browse known builds'; $s['browseBuildsSub'] = 'Choose an already discovered build and download it.'; $s['fetchLatest'] = 'Fetch the latest build'; $s['fetchLatestSub'] = 'Retrieve the latest build information from Windows Update servers.'; $s['newlyAdded'] = 'Recently added builds'; $s['dateAdded'] = 'Date added'; $s['latestCanaryRelease'] = 'Latest Canary Channel build'; $s['latestCanaryReleaseSub'] = 'Somewhat unstable builds with latest platform changes and early features.
Ideal for highly technical users.'; $s['checkOutAddANewBuild'] = 'Haven\'t found a desired option? Check out the Add a new build page.'; //newbuild.php $s['newBuild'] = 'New build'; $s['addNewBuild'] = 'Add a new build'; $s['selectOptions'] = 'Select options'; $s['newBuildNextText'] = 'Click the Next button to start searching with the specified options.'; $s['newBuildUsing'] = 'Using this page'; $s['newBuildUsingText'] = 'This page is meant to be used by advanced users, who would like to add a build not found on the website. In case you want to use one of the most commonly used parameters, please use one of the Quick options found on the home page.'; $s['optionsNotice'] = 'Options notice'; $s['optionsNoticeText'] = 'Options found here configure how the underlying Windows Update client reports itself to the Microsoft servers. It is crucial to set these properly, otherwise you will receive an error.'; //known.php $s['browseKnown'] = 'Browse known builds'; $s['chooseBuild'] = 'Choose build'; $s['weFoundBuilds'] = '%d builds were found for your query.'; //692 builds were found for your query. $s['sortByDate'] = 'Sort results by addition date'; $s['nextPage'] = 'Next'; $s['prevPage'] = 'Previous'; $s['pageOf'] = 'Page %d of %d'; //Page 1 of 48 //fetchupd.php $s['responseFromServer'] = 'Server response'; $s['foundUpdates'] = 'Found %d update(s)'; //Found 1 update(s) $s['foundTheseUpdates'] = 'The following updates were found. Click the name of your desired update to continue.'; $s['buildNumber'] = 'Build number: %s'; //Build number: 18890.1000 //selectlang.php $s['selectLangFor'] = 'Select language for %s'; //Select language for Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64 $s['chooseLang'] = 'Choose language'; $s['chooseLangDesc'] = 'Choose your desired language'; $s['allLangs'] = 'All languages'; $s['selLangFiles'] = 'Files'; $s['allFiles'] = 'All files'; $s['wubOnly'] = 'WindowsUpdateBox only'; $s['updateOnly'] = 'Update only'; $s['selectLangInfoText1'] = 'Click the Next button to select the desired edition.'; $s['selectLangInfoText2'] = 'WindowsUpdateBox.exe and Cumulative updates can be found in the All languages language.'; $s['allLangsWarn'] = 'The All languages option does not support edition selection.'; $s['clickNextToOpenFindFiles'] = 'Click the Next button to open the page, which allows finding files.'; $s['noLangsAvailable'] = 'There are no languages available for this build.
This build cannot be converted to an ISO image.
See the FAQ for details.'; $s['browseFiles'] = 'Browse files'; $s['browseFilesDesc'] = 'Quickly browse files in selected build'; $s['searchFiles'] = 'Search files'; $s['toSearchForCUUseQuery'] = 'To search for Cumulative Updates use the %s search query.'; //To search for Cumulative Updates use the Windows10 KB search query. $s['updateNotProcessed'] = 'UUP dump hasn\'t processed this update\'s metadata yet - this happens automatically once every %d minutes. You can only browse the update\'s file list until then.'; //UUP dump hasn't processed this update's metadata yet - this happens automatically once every 30 minutes. You can only browse the update's file list until then. $s['updateIsBlocked'] = 'This update has known issues preventing the creation of a working ISO. Because of this, you can only manually browse its files.'; //selectedition.php $s['selectEditionFor'] = 'Select edition for %s'; //Select edition for Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64, English (United States) $s['chooseEdition'] = 'Choose edition'; $s['chooseEditionDesc'] = 'Choose your desired edition'; $s['allEditions'] = 'All editions'; $s['selectEditionInfoText'] = 'Click the Next button to open the summary page of your selection.'; $s['additionalEditionsInfo'] = 'If you need additional editions from the table on the right, select their Required edition above and proceed by clicking Next.
On the summary page select the Create additional editions option.'; $s['showHiddenEditions'] = 'Show hidden editions (not recommended)'; //download.php $s['summary'] = 'Summary'; $s['summaryDesc'] = 'Review your selection and choose the download method'; $s['summaryFor'] = 'Summary for %s'; //Summary for Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64, English (United States), Windows 10 Pro $s['summaryOfSelection'] = 'Summary for your selection'; $s['browseList'] = 'Browse the file list'; $s['browseListDesc'] = 'Opens the page with a list of files in the UUP set for manual download.'; $s['aria2Opt1'] = 'Download UUP set'; $s['aria2Opt1Desc'] = 'Easily download the selected UUP set using aria2.'; $s['aria2Opt2'] = 'Download and convert to ISO'; $s['aria2Opt2Desc'] = 'Easily download the selected UUP set using aria2 and convert it to ISO.'; $s['aria2Opt3'] = 'Download, add additional editions and convert to ISO'; $s['aria2Opt3Desc'] = 'Easily download the selected UUP set using aria2, convert, create additional editions and finally create an ISO image.'; $s['aria2Opt4'] = 'Create download package for these updates'; $s['jsRequiredToConf'] = 'JavaScript is required to configure and use this option.'; $s['selAdditionalEditions'] = 'Select additional editions'; $s['noAdditionalEditions'] = 'No additional editions are available for your selected editions.'; $s['learnMore'] = 'Learn more'; $s['learnMoreAdditionalEditions1'] = 'This option enables automatic creation of selected additional editions.'; $s['learnMoreAdditionalEditions2'] = 'The list of additional editions is determined by the selected base editions. Below you can check the list of base editions which are needed to create the desired additional editions:'; $s['learnMoreUpdates1'] = 'Updates will be integrated to the converted image only when the conversion script is run on the following systems:'; $s['learnMoreUpdates2'] = 'If you run the conversion script on any other system, the updates will not be integrated to the resulting image.'; $s['systemWithAdk'] = '%s with Windows 10 ADK installed'; //Windows 7 with Windows 10 ADK installed $s['additionalUpdates'] = 'Additional updates'; $s['additionalUpdatesDesc'] = 'This UUP set contains additional updates which will be integrated during the conversion process, significantly increasing the creation time.'; $s['browseUpdatesList'] = 'Browse the list of updates'; $s['selectDownloadOptions'] = 'Select your download options'; $s['selectDownloadOptionsSub'] = 'Configure how you would like to download your selection'; $s['downloadMethod'] = 'Download method'; $s['conversionOptions'] = 'Conversion options'; $s['convOpt1'] = 'Use solid (ESD) compression'; $s['convOpt2'] = 'Include updates (Windows converter only)'; $s['convOpt3'] = 'Run component cleanup (Windows converter only)'; $s['convOpt4'] = 'Integrate .NET Framework 3.5 (Windows converter only)'; $s['startDownload'] = 'Create download package'; $s['legalCopeHarder'] = 'By clicking the Create download package button you agree with the following:'; $s['legalCope1'] = 'Installation images created using the scripts provided by UUP dump are meant only for evaluation purposes'; $s['legalCope2'] = 'The images and their deployments are not supported in any way by Microsoft Corporation'; $s['legalCope3v2'] = 'The authors are not liable for any damages caused by a misuse of the website'; $s['win1122h2OrLaterv2'] = 'Windows is required to create the ISO image'; $s['requiresWindows102004v2'] = 'You\'ll need to use a modern version of Windows such as Windows 10, version 2004 or Windows 11 to create an ISO image of this build. Other platforms won\'t work.'; //get.php $s['listOfFilesFor'] = 'List of files for %s'; //List of files for Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64 $s['totalSizeOfFiles'] = 'Total file size: %s'; //Total size of files: 2.86 GiB $s['fileRenamingScript'] = 'File renaming script'; $s['fileRenamingScriptDesc1'] = 'The script found below can be used to quickly rename downloaded files.'; $s['fileRenamingScriptDesc2'] = 'Simply copy the contents of the form below to a new file with cmd extension, put it in folder with downloaded files and run.'; $s['sha1File'] = 'SHA-1 checksums file'; $s['sha1FileDesc'] = 'You can use this file to quickly verify that files were downloaded correctly.'; $s['aria2NoticeTitle'] = 'Download using aria2 options notice'; $s['aria2NoticeText1'] = 'Download using aria2 options create an archive which needs to be downloaded. The downloaded archive contains all needed files to achieve the selected task.'; $s['aria2NoticeText2'] = 'To start the download process use a script for your platform:'; $s['aria2NoticeText3'] = 'Aria2 is an open source project. You can find it here: %s.'; //Aria2 is an open source project. You can find it here: $s['aria2NoticeText4'] = 'The UUP Conversion script (Windows version) has been created by %s.'; //UUP Conversion script (Windows version) has been created by abbodi1406. $s['aria2NoticeText5'] = 'The UUP Conversion script (Linux version, macOS version) is open source. You can find it here: %s.'; //UUP Conversion script (Linux version, macOS version) is open source. You can find it here: //findfiles.php $s['findFilesIn'] = 'Find files in %s'; //Find files in Windows 10 Insider Preview 18890.1000 (rs_prerelease) amd64 $s['fileRenamingScriptDescFindFiles'] = 'If you want to quickly rename files downloaded from this page, you can generate a renaming script, which will automatically do this for you.'; $s['fileRenamingScriptGenW'] = 'Generate renaming script (Windows)'; $s['fileRenamingScriptGenL'] = 'Generate renaming script (Linux, macOS)'; $s['searchForFiles'] = 'Search for files...'; $s['weFoundFiles'] = '%d files were found for your query.'; //692 files were found for your query. $s['sizeOfShownFiles'] = 'Size of shown files: %s'; //Size of shown files: 2.86 GiB //Error pages $s['error'] = 'Error'; $s['requestNotSuccessful'] = 'Request not successful'; $s['anErrorHasOccurred'] = 'An error has occurred while attempting to process your request.'; $s['arm64Warning2023'] = 'This is an ARM64 build. UUP dump authors don\'t have a single device compatible with it and therefore will provide absolutely no support.'; //Error messages $s['error_ERROR'] = 'Generic error.'; $s['error_UNSUPPORTED_API'] = 'Installed API version is not compatible with this version of UUP dump.'; $s['error_NO_FILEINFO_DIR'] = 'The (fileinfo) directory does not exist.'; $s['error_NO_BUILDS_IN_FILEINFO'] = 'The (fileinfo) database does not contain any build.'; $s['error_SEARCH_NO_RESULTS'] = 'No items found for the performed query.'; $s['error_UNKNOWN_ARCH'] = 'Unknown processor architecture.'; $s['error_UNKNOWN_RING'] = 'Unknown channel.'; $s['error_UNKNOWN_FLIGHT'] = 'Unknown flight.'; $s['error_UNKNOWN_COMBINATION'] = 'The flight and ring combination is not correct. Skip ahead is only supported for Insider Fast ring.'; $s['error_ILLEGAL_BUILD'] = 'Specified build number is less than %d or larger than %d.'; //Specified build number is less than 9841 or larger than 2147483646. $s['error_ILLEGAL_MINOR'] = 'Specified build minor is incorrect.'; $s['error_NO_UPDATE_FOUND'] = 'The server returned no updates.'; $s['error_XML_PARSE_ERROR'] = 'Response XML parsing failed. There may be a problem with Microsoft servers. Try again later.'; $s['error_EMPTY_FILELIST'] = 'The server has returned an empty file list.'; $s['error_NO_FILES'] = 'There are no files available for your selection.'; $s['error_NOT_FOUND'] = 'Specified selection cannot be found.'; $s['error_MISSING_FILES'] = 'The selected UUP set has missing files.'; $s['error_NO_METADATA_ESD'] = 'There are no metadata ESD files available for your selection.'; $s['error_UNSUPPORTED_LANG'] = 'Specified language is not supported.'; $s['error_UNSPECIFIED_LANG'] = 'Language was not specified.'; $s['error_UNSUPPORTED_EDITION'] = 'Specified edition is not supported.'; $s['error_UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION'] = 'The language and edition combination is not correct.'; $s['error_NOT_CUMULATIVE_UPDATE'] = 'Selected update does not contain a Cumulative Update.'; $s['error_UPDATE_INFORMATION_NOT_EXISTS'] = 'Information about the specified update doesn\'t exist in the database.'; $s['error_KEY_NOT_EXISTS'] = 'Specified key does not exist in update information.'; $s['error_UNSPECIFIED_UPDATE'] = 'Update ID was not specified.'; $s['error_INCORRECT_ID'] = 'Specified Update ID is incorrect. Please make sure that the specified Update ID is correct.'; $s['error_RATE_LIMITED'] = 'You are being rate limited. Please try again in a few seconds.'; $s['error_UNSPECIFIED_VE'] = 'You have not selected any additional editions. If do not wish to create additional editions, please use the (Download using aria2 and convert) option.'; $s['error_VE_UNAVAILABLE'] = 'Additional editions are not supported for this selection.'; $s['error_INVALID_PAGE'] = 'Specified page is invalid'; $s['error_WU_REQUEST_FAILED'] = 'A request to the Windows Update service has failed.'; $s['errorNoMessage'] = 'Error message unavailable.'; //Languages $s['lang_neutral'] = 'Any Language'; $s['lang_ar-sa'] = 'Arabic (Saudi Arabia)'; $s['lang_bg-bg'] = 'Bulgarian'; $s['lang_cs-cz'] = 'Czech'; $s['lang_da-dk'] = 'Danish'; $s['lang_de-de'] = 'German'; $s['lang_el-gr'] = 'Greek'; $s['lang_en-gb'] = 'English (United Kingdom)'; $s['lang_en-us'] = 'English (United States)'; $s['lang_es-es'] = 'Spanish (Spain)'; $s['lang_es-mx'] = 'Spanish (Mexico)'; $s['lang_et-ee'] = 'Estonian'; $s['lang_fi-fi'] = 'Finnish'; $s['lang_fr-ca'] = 'French (Canada)'; $s['lang_fr-fr'] = 'French (France)'; $s['lang_he-il'] = 'Hebrew'; $s['lang_hr-hr'] = 'Croatian'; $s['lang_hu-hu'] = 'Hungarian'; $s['lang_it-it'] = 'Italian'; $s['lang_ja-jp'] = 'Japanese'; $s['lang_ko-kr'] = 'Korean'; $s['lang_lt-lt'] = 'Lithuanian'; $s['lang_lv-lv'] = 'Latvian'; $s['lang_nb-no'] = 'Norwegian (Bokmal)'; $s['lang_nl-nl'] = 'Dutch'; $s['lang_pl-pl'] = 'Polish'; $s['lang_pt-br'] = 'Portuguese (Brazil)'; $s['lang_pt-pt'] = 'Portuguese (Portugal)'; $s['lang_qps-ploc'] = 'Pseudo'; $s['lang_ro-ro'] = 'Romanian'; $s['lang_ru-ru'] = 'Russian'; $s['lang_sk-sk'] = 'Slovak'; $s['lang_sl-si'] = 'Slovenian'; $s['lang_sr-latn-rs'] = 'Serbian (Latin)'; $s['lang_sv-se'] = 'Swedish'; $s['lang_th-th'] = 'Thai'; $s['lang_tr-tr'] = 'Turkish'; $s['lang_uk-ua'] = 'Ukrainian'; $s['lang_zh-cn'] = 'Chinese (Simplified)'; $s['lang_zh-hk'] = 'Chinese (Hong Kong)'; $s['lang_zh-tw'] = 'Chinese (Traditional)'; //Channels $s['channel_canary'] = 'Canary Channel'; $s['channel_skipAhead'] = 'Skip Ahead'; $s['channel_dev'] = 'Dev Channel'; $s['channel_beta'] = 'Beta Channel'; $s['channel_releasepreview'] = 'Release Preview Channel'; $s['channel_retail'] = 'Retail'; //Editions $s['edition_APP'] = 'Microsoft Store Inbox Apps'; $s['edition_APP_MOMENT'] = 'Microsoft Store Moment Apps'; $s['edition_FOD'] = 'Features on Demand (Capabilities)'; $s['edition_CLOUD'] = 'Windows S'; $s['edition_CLOUDN'] = 'Windows S N'; $s['edition_CLOUDE'] = 'Windows Lean'; $s['edition_CLOUDEDITION'] = 'Windows SE'; $s['edition_CLOUDEDITIONN'] = 'Windows SE N'; $s['edition_CORE'] = 'Windows Home'; $s['edition_CORECOUNTRYSPECIFIC'] = 'Windows Home China'; $s['edition_COREN'] = 'Windows Home N'; $s['edition_CORESINGLELANGUAGE'] = 'Windows Home Single Language'; $s['edition_EDUCATION'] = 'Windows Education'; $s['edition_EDUCATIONN'] = 'Windows Education N'; $s['edition_ENTERPRISE'] = 'Windows Enterprise'; $s['edition_ENTERPRISEEVAL'] = 'Windows Enterprise Evaluation'; $s['edition_ENTERPRISEN'] = 'Windows Enterprise N'; $s['edition_ENTERPRISES'] = 'Windows Enterprise LTSC'; $s['edition_ENTERPRISESEVAL'] = 'Windows Enterprise LTSC Evaluation'; $s['edition_ENTERPRISESN'] = 'Windows Enterprise N LTSC'; $s['edition_ENTERPRISESNEVAL'] = 'Windows Enterprise N LTSC Evaluation'; $s['edition_HOLOGRAPHIC'] = 'Windows Holographic'; $s['edition_IOTENTERPRISE'] = 'Windows IoT Enterprise'; $s['edition_IOTENTERPRISEK'] = 'Windows IoT Enterprise Subscription'; $s['edition_IOTENTERPRISES'] = 'Windows IoT Enterprise LTSC'; $s['edition_IOTENTERPRISESK'] = 'Windows IoT Enterprise LTSC Subscription'; $s['edition_LITE'] = 'Windows 10X'; $s['edition_PPIPRO'] = 'Windows Team'; $s['edition_PROFESSIONAL'] = 'Windows Pro'; $s['edition_PROFESSIONALN'] = 'Windows Pro N'; $s['edition_PROFESSIONALWORKSTATION'] = 'Windows Pro for Workstations'; $s['edition_PROFESSIONALWORKSTATIONN'] = 'Windows Pro N for Workstations'; $s['edition_PROFESSIONALEDUCATION'] = 'Windows Pro Education'; $s['edition_PROFESSIONALEDUCATIONN'] = 'Windows Pro Education N'; $s['edition_SERVERRDSH'] = 'Windows Enterprise multi-session / Virtual Desktops'; $s['edition_SERVERARM64'] = 'Windows Server ARM64'; $s['edition_SERVERAZURESTACKHCICOR'] = 'Azure Stack HCI'; $s['edition_SERVERDATACENTER'] = 'Windows Server Datacenter'; $s['edition_SERVERDATACENTERCORE'] = 'Windows Server Datacenter (Core)'; $s['edition_SERVERSTANDARD'] = 'Windows Server Standard'; $s['edition_SERVERSTANDARDCORE'] = 'Windows Server Standard (Core)'; $s['edition_SERVERTURBINE'] = 'Windows Server Datacenter: Azure Edition'; $s['edition_SERVERTURBINECOR'] = 'Windows Server Datacenter: Azure Edition (Core)'; $s['edition_SERVERSTANDARDACOR'] = 'Windows Server Standard (Semi-Annual Channel)'; $s['edition_SERVERDATACENTERACOR'] = 'Windows Server Datacenter (Semi-Annual Channel)';