UUP converter ------------- ### Description A basic UUP converter aimed at Linux and macOS users who don't have access to any Windows machine, but want or need to create an ISO image for latest Windows Insider version downloaded from UUP dump. **For obvious reasons this script will never support integration of Cumulative Updates to created images.** ### Usage ``` ./convert.sh [compression] [uups_directory] [create_virtual_editions] ``` ###### compression options: * wim - standard wim compression (`/Compress:max` in DISM) (default) * esd - solid esd compression (`/Compress:recovery` in DISM) ###### create_virtual_editions options: * 0 - do not create virtual editions (default) * 1 - create virtual edtitions ### Usage examples * `./convert.sh` - starts the conversion using files from `UUPs` directory and creates an ISO image with `install.wim` * `./convert.sh esd` - starts the conversion using files from `UUPs` directory and creates an ISO image with `install.esd` * `./convert.sh wim MyUUP` - starts the conversion using files from `MyUUP` directory and creates an ISO image with `install.wim` * `./convert.sh wim MyUUP 1` - starts the conversion using files from `MyUUP` directory, creates virtual editions and creates an ISO image with `install.wim` ### Virtual editions Since version 0.5.0 this script supports creation of virtual editions. To run creation of all virtial editions simply use create_virtual_editions switch in command line. If you want to customize which editions will be created when this switch is set, please use VIRTUAL_EDITIONS_LIST in configuration file. Virtual editions creation can be only done when convert_ve_plugin is present in the same directory as converter. Thanks to abbodi1406 for providing informations which helped with creating this option. ### Configuration file Configuration of advanced script options can be modified using the file `convert_config_linux` (on Linux) or `convert_config_macos` (on macOS). ###### Configuration options ``` VIRTUAL_EDITIONS_LIST='space delimited editions sequence' ``` ###### Configuration options explanation * VIRTUAL_EDITIONS_LIST - configures which editions will be created when create_virtual_editions is enabled. ### Requirements This script uses the following commands to do its work: * aria2c - to download the required files * cabextract - to extract cabs * wimlib-imagex - to export files from metadata ESD * chntpw - to modify registry of first index of boot.wim * genisoimage or mkisofs - to create ISO image ##### Linux Prerequisites can be installed using the distribution's package manager. ###### Debian-based distributions, including Ubuntu ```bash sudo apt install aria2 cabextract wimtools chntpw genisoimage ``` ###### Arch Linux ```bash sudo pacman -S aria2 cabextract wimlib chntpw cdrtools ``` ###### Fedora ```bash sudo dnf install aria2 cabextract wimlib-utils chntpw genisoimage ``` If you use any other distribution, then you will need to check its repository for packages needed to run this script. ##### macOS macOS requires a package manager such as [MacPorts](https://macports.org) or [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) to install the prerequisite software. With a package manager installed, you can install the prerequisites. ###### MacPorts ```bash sudo port install aria2 cabextract cdrtools chntpw wimlib ``` ###### Homebrew ```bash brew tap minacle/chntpw brew install cabextract wimlib cdrtools minacle/chntpw/chntpw ```