UUP dump API ------------ ### Functions #### fetchupd.php: `uupFetchUpd($arch, $ring, $flight, $build, $minor);` Fetches latest update information from Windows Update servers. Parameters: - `arch` - Architecture of build to find - **Supported values:** `amd64`, `arm64`, `x86` - `ring` - Ring to use when fetching information - **Supported values:** `WIF`, `WIS`, `RP` - `flight` - Flight to use when fetching information - **Supported values:** `Active`, `Skip`, `Current` - **NOTE:** `Skip` is for `WIF` ring only. `Current` is for `RP` ring only. - `build` - Build number to use when fetching information - **Supported values:** >= 15063 and <= 65536 - `minor` - Build minor to use when fetching information - **Supported values:** >= 0 and <= 65536 #### get.php: `uupGetFiles($updateId, $usePack, $desiredEdition);` Fetches files from `updateId` update and parses to array. Parameters: - `updateId` - Update identifier - **Supported values:** any update UUID - `usePack` - Generate list of files for selected language - **Supported values:** language name in xx-xx format - `desiredEdition` - Generate list of files for selected edition - **Supported values:** any update UUID - **NOTE:** You need to specify `usePack` to get successful request #### listeditions.php: `uupListEditions($lang);` Outputs list of supported editions for selected language. Parameters: - `lang` - Generate list for selected language - **Supported values:** language name in xx-xx format #### listid.php: `uupListIds();` Outputs list of updates in fileinfo database. Parameters: - None #### listlangs.php: `uupListLangs();` Outputs list of languages supported by project. Parameters: - None #### updateinfo.php: `uupUpdateInfo($updateId, $onlyInfo);` Outputs specified information of specified `updateId`. Parameters: - `updateId` - Update identifier - **Supported values:** any update UUID - `onlyInfo` - Key to output - **Supported values:** any string #### shared/main.php: `uupApiVersion();` Returns version of the API. Parameters: - None ### Error codes thrown by API **fetchupd.php** - UNKNOWN_ARCH - UNKNOWN_RING - UNKNOWN_FLIGHT - UNKNOWN_COMBINATION - ILLEGAL_BUILD - ILLEGAL_MINOR - NO_UPDATE_FOUND - EMPTY_FILELIST **get.php** - UNSUPPORTED_LANG - UNSPECIFIED_LANG - UNSUPPORTED_EDITION - UNSUPPORTED_COMBINATION - EMPTY_FILELIST **listeditions.php** - UNSUPPORTED_LANG **listid.php** - NO_FILEINFO_DIR **updateinfo.php** - UPDATE_INFORMATION_NOT_EXISTS - KEY_NOT_EXISTS