<?php /* Copyright 2019 whatever127 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/shared/main.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/shared/requests.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/listid.php'; function uupFetchUpd( $arch = 'amd64', $ring = 'WIF', $flight = 'Active', $build = 'latest', $minor = '0', $sku = '48', $cacheRequests = 0 ) { uupApiPrintBrand(); $arch = strtolower($arch); $ring = strtoupper($ring); $flight = ucwords(strtolower($flight)); if($flight == 'Current') $flight = 'Active'; if($build == 'latest' || (!$build)) { $builds = array('17134.1'); $ids = uupListIds(); if(isset($ids['error'])) { $ids['builds'] = array(); } $ids = $ids['builds']; foreach($ids as $val) { $builds[] = $val['build']; } $builds = array_unique($builds); rsort($builds); $build = $builds[0]; unset($builds, $ids); } $build = explode('.', $build); if(isset($build[1])) $minor = intval($build[1]); $build = intval($build[0]); $sku = intval($sku); if(!($arch == 'amd64' || $arch == 'x86' || $arch == 'arm64' || $arch == 'arm' || $arch == 'all')) { return array('error' => 'UNKNOWN_ARCH'); } if(!($ring == 'WIF' || $ring == 'WIS' || $ring == 'RP' || $ring == 'RETAIL' || $ring == 'MSIT')) { return array('error' => 'UNKNOWN_RING'); } if(!($flight == 'Skip' || $flight == 'Active')) { return array('error' => 'UNKNOWN_FLIGHT'); } if($flight == 'Skip' && $ring != 'WIF') { return array('error' => 'UNKNOWN_COMBINATION'); } if($build < 9841 || $build > PHP_INT_MAX-1) { return array('error' => 'ILLEGAL_BUILD'); } if($minor < 0 || $minor > PHP_INT_MAX-1) { return array('error' => 'ILLEGAL_MINOR'); } if($flight == 'Active' && $ring == 'RP') $flight = 'Current'; $build = '10.0.'.$build.'.'.$minor; $cacheHash = hash('sha256', strtolower("api-fetch-$arch-$ring-$flight-$build-$minor-$sku")); $cached = 0; if(file_exists('cache/'.$cacheHash.'.json.gz') && $cacheRequests == 1) { $cache = @gzdecode(@file_get_contents('cache/'.$cacheHash.'.json.gz')); $cache = json_decode($cache, 1); if(!empty($cache['content']) && ($cache['expires'] > time())) { consoleLogger('Using cached response...'); $out = $cache['content']; $cached = 1; } else { $cached = 0; } unset($cache); } if(!$cached) { consoleLogger('Fetching information from the server...'); $postData = composeFetchUpdRequest(uupDevice(), uupEncryptedData(), $arch, $flight, $ring, $build, $sku); $out = sendWuPostRequest('https://fe3cr.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/ClientWebService/client.asmx', $postData); $out = html_entity_decode($out); consoleLogger('Information has been successfully fetched.'); if($cacheRequests == 1) { $cache = array( 'expires' => time()+90, 'content' => $out, ); if(!file_exists('cache')) mkdir('cache'); @file_put_contents('cache/'.$cacheHash.'.json.gz', gzencode(json_encode($cache)."\n")); unset($cache); } } preg_match_all('/<UpdateInfo>.*?<\/UpdateInfo>/', $out, $updateInfos); $updateInfo = preg_grep('/<IsLeaf>true<\/IsLeaf>/', $updateInfos[0]); sort($updateInfo); if(empty($updateInfo)) { consoleLogger('An error has occurred'); return array('error' => 'NO_UPDATE_FOUND'); } $errorCount = 0; $updatesNum = count($updateInfo); $num = 0; $updateArray = array(); foreach($updateInfo as $val) { $num++; consoleLogger("Checking build information for update {$num} of {$updatesNum}..."); $info = parseFetchUpdate($val, $out, $arch, $ring, $flight, $build, $sku); if(isset($info['error'])) { $errorCount++; continue; } $updateArray[] = $info; } if($errorCount == $updatesNum) { return array('error' => 'EMPTY_FILELIST'); } return array( 'apiVersion' => uupApiVersion(), 'updateId' => $updateArray[0]['updateId'], 'updateTitle' => $updateArray[0]['updateTitle'], 'foundBuild' => $updateArray[0]['foundBuild'], 'arch' => $updateArray[0]['arch'], 'fileWrite' => $updateArray[0]['fileWrite'], 'updateArray' => $updateArray, ); } function parseFetchUpdate($updateInfo, $out, $arch, $ring, $flight, $build, $sku) { $updateNumId = preg_replace('/<UpdateInfo><ID>|<\/ID>.*/i', '', $updateInfo); $updates = preg_replace('/<Update>/', "\n<Update>", $out); preg_match_all('/<Update>.*<\/Update>/', $updates, $updates); $updateMeta = preg_grep('/<ID>'.$updateNumId.'<\/ID>/', $updates[0]); sort($updateMeta); $updateFiles = preg_grep('/<Files>.*<\/Files>/', $updateMeta); sort($updateFiles); if(!isset($updateFiles[0])) { consoleLogger('An error has occurred'); return array('error' => 'EMPTY_FILELIST'); } preg_match('/<Files>.*<\/Files>/', $updateFiles[0], $fileList); if(!isset($fileList[0]) || empty($fileList[0])) { consoleLogger('An error has occurred'); return array('error' => 'EMPTY_FILELIST'); } preg_match('/ProductReleaseInstalled Name\="(.*?)\..*\.(.*?)" Version\="10\.0\.(.*?)"/', $updateInfo, $info); $foundType = strtolower($info[1]); $foundArch = strtolower($info[2]); $foundBuild = $info[3]; $updateTitle = preg_grep('/<Title>.*<\/Title>/', $updateMeta); sort($updateTitle); preg_match('/<Title>.*?<\/Title>/i', $updateTitle[0], $updateTitle); $updateTitle = preg_replace('/<Title>|<\/Title>/i', '', $updateTitle); sort($updateTitle); if(isset($updateTitle[0])) { $updateTitle = $updateTitle[0]; } else { $updateTitle = 'Windows 10 build '.$foundBuild; } $isCumulativeUpdate = 0; if(preg_match('/\d{4}-\d{2}.+Update|Cumulative Update/i', $updateTitle)) { $isCumulativeUpdate = 1; $updateTitle = preg_replace('/ for .{3,5}-based systems| \(KB.*?\)/i', '', $updateTitle); } $updateTitle = preg_replace("/ ?\d{4}-\d{2}\w* ?| ?$foundArch ?| ?x64 ?/i", '', $updateTitle); if($foundType == 'server') $updateTitle = str_replace('Windows 10', 'Windows Server', $updateTitle); if(!preg_match("/$foundBuild/i", $updateTitle)) $updateTitle = $updateTitle.' ('.$foundBuild.')'; preg_match('/UpdateID=".*?"/', $updateInfo, $updateId); preg_match('/RevisionNumber=".*?"/', $updateInfo, $updateRev); $updateId = preg_replace('/UpdateID="|"$/', '', $updateId[0]); $updateRev = preg_replace('/RevisionNumber="|"$/', '', $updateRev[0]); consoleLogger('Successfully checked build information.'); $updateString = $updateId; if($updateRev != 1) { $updateString = $updateId.'_rev.'.$updateRev; } $ids = uupListIds(); if(!isset($ids['error'])) { $ids = $ids['builds']; $namesList = array(); foreach($ids as $val) { $testName = $val['build'].' '.$val['title'].' '.$val['arch']; if($val['uuid'] != $updateString) { $namesList[$val['uuid']] = $testName; } } $num = 1; $buildName = $foundBuild.' '.$updateTitle.' '.$foundArch; while(in_array($buildName, $namesList, true)) { $num++; $buildName = "$foundBuild $updateTitle ($num) $foundArch"; } if($num > 1) $updateTitle = "$updateTitle ($num)"; } consoleLogger("--- UPDATE INFORMATION ---"); consoleLogger("Title: ".$updateTitle); consoleLogger("Architecture: ".$foundArch); consoleLogger("Build number: ".$foundBuild); consoleLogger("Update ID: ".$updateString); consoleLogger("--- UPDATE INFORMATION ---"); if(preg_match('/Corpnet Required/i', $updateTitle)) { consoleLogger('Skipping corpnet only update...'); return array('error' => 'CORPNET_ONLY_UPDATE'); } $fileWrite = 'NO_SAVE'; if(!file_exists('fileinfo/'.$updateString.'.json')) { consoleLogger('WARNING: This build is NOT in the database. It will be saved now.'); consoleLogger('Parsing information to write...'); if(!file_exists('fileinfo')) mkdir('fileinfo'); $fileList = preg_replace('/<Files>|<\/Files>/', '', $fileList[0]); preg_match_all('/<File .*?>/', $fileList, $fileList); $shaArray = array(); foreach($fileList[0] as $val) { preg_match('/Digest=".*?"/', $val, $sha1); $sha1 = preg_replace('/Digest="|"$/', '', $sha1[0]); $sha1 = bin2hex(base64_decode($sha1)); preg_match('/FileName=".*?"/', $val, $name); $name = preg_replace('/FileName="|"$/', '', $name[0]); preg_match('/Size=".*?"/', $val, $size); $size = preg_replace('/Size="|"$/', '', $size[0]); $temp = array( 'name' => $name, 'size' => $size, ); $shaArray = array_merge($shaArray, array($sha1 => $temp)); } unset($temp, $sha1, $name, $size); ksort($shaArray); $temp = array(); $temp['title'] = $updateTitle; $temp['ring'] = $ring; $temp['flight'] = $flight; $temp['arch'] = $foundArch; $temp['build'] = $foundBuild; $temp['checkBuild'] = $build; $temp['sku'] = $sku; if($isCumulativeUpdate) { $temp['containsCU'] = 1; } $temp['created'] = time(); $temp['files'] = $shaArray; consoleLogger('Successfully parsed the information.'); consoleLogger('Writing new build information to the disk...'); $success = file_put_contents('fileinfo/'.$updateString.'.json', json_encode($temp)."\n"); if($success) { consoleLogger('Successfully written build information to the disk.'); $fileWrite = 'INFO_WRITTEN'; } else { consoleLogger('An error has occured while writing the information to the disk.'); } } else { consoleLogger('This build already exists in the database.'); } return array( 'updateId' => $updateString, 'updateTitle' => $updateTitle, 'foundBuild' => $foundBuild, 'arch' => $foundArch, 'fileWrite' => $fileWrite, ); }